Always Smile is the new contest that Nela & Brot have created because they were very happy when they saw that there are already 3,000 of us on Instagram !
And thanks to you we are more every day and we love that you share your most special moments with your best friend!
That's why you deserve the doggiest manifesto ever!
In order to win it all you have to do is capture your dog's best smile, tag us and mention us in your Instagram post.
Brot & Nela will carefully observe the best smile and choose the winner on August 16 from among all the participants.
So give him his best face and capture the moment! And of course, don't forget to share it with us.
Good luck #brottlovers!
Legal bases of the Instagram giveaway Another Design Rules, c. Amat i Piniella 7 basses. Postal Code 08242 Manresa, Spain, holder of CIF number B66510397 organizes the “Always Smile” draw, which will be governed by the following rules: Object of the draw A dog manifesto Brott Barcelona. Participants Anyone who is a fan of the Instagram page @brottdog can participate in the giveaway. Participation will be free and it will be necessary to share a photo of the pet with its best smile and tagging @brottdog, as indicated in the description of the promotion. Contest participants must be over 18 years old. The data will be verified by the organization, with incorrect cases that are not authentic or that do not comply with these terms becoming invalid. Participation procedure The participation procedure consists of entering Brott's Instagram page @brottdog and becoming a fan of it. To be able to participate in the draw, the user will have to take a photo of their pet with its mouth open simulating a smile and share it on their Instagram tagging and mentioning @brottdog. Selection of the winners The jury will be made up of the founders of Brott Barcelona, Marc Velasco and Marta Huguet. After having seen all the images, the most original and fun one will be chosen, and the lucky one will be announced through the Instagram page @brottdog. Deadline to participate in the promotion: From August 1 to August 16. Prize notification On August 16, the end of the contest will be announced on the Brott Barcelona Instagram page. Subsequently, the winner will be published on Instagram and they will be asked to contact us by sending an email to and they will be told how to obtain the prize. By participating in the contest, participants authorize the organization to publish their names on the Brott Barcelona page if deemed appropriate, as well as in other written, digital or analogue media that are regularly used by the organization. . Right of exclusion and Legal Bases Participation in this promotion implies full acceptance of these Terms. The organization is empowered to resolve any type of contingency not provided for in them. The bases are published in the Instagram application. Any questions or queries regarding these rules must be directed by message to the administration of the Brott Barcelona Instagram page.